Friday 18 April 2014

Slow and steady

There is no use in pointing out all the failures and shortcomings of the last two weeks, so let's focus on what was done instead:

  • I got around cleaning the soon-to-be animation space. Everything that didn't have a place is gone and the sports stuff got a box which should fit nicely under the table (which I will hopefully have by tuesday/wednesday).
  • I'm still working on a PC game, but I feel a bit stuck. So this week I showed it to someone for the first time. We talked a bit about what I still want to do with it and made some brainstorming to get it to the next level. I am more positive about it now and will hopefully spend some more time on finishing it. It doesn't seem to be an obvious choice, but games have animation, too. You have to start somewhere and maybe someone will enjoy it in the end :).
  • I got back to reading Preston Blair's book on drawing characters for animation, which also gives you an idea about planning and understanding scenes and movements. Just to fresh up on some basics. Maybe I'll write a review, once I'm done.
  • There's only so much I can learn from trying, just doing and reading, so I did some research and found some online courses to do along the way.
For the next weekend, there are no plans at all, so I will try to sit down for at least a few hours and sketch out the story I have in mind, so I have an actual animation project to work on.

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